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Incorporation and history

Affno Virtual Market (Pvt) Limited (AVM) is a member of the Affno Group which has more than two decades of experience in designing, building and commercialising software solutions.

AVM, founded in January 2019, set out to revolutionise procurement by addressing a critical market gap. This led to the development of Green Tape, a fully integrated, end-to-end SaaS platform for procurement and supply chain management.

Larger corporations have long benefited from advanced procurement systems, while smaller businesses struggled with inefficient manual processes. AVM set out to change this by making innovation accessible to everyone.

Green Tape empowers businesses of all sizes with essential supply chain management tools, ensuring efficiency, transparency, and scalability. By eliminating barriers to modern procurement, we help businesses unlock their full potential, drive growth, and stay competitive in an evolving market.

The Company was incorporated in Singapore in 2022 to facilitate the growth of our customer base across the Asia Pacific and Middle East regions.


Since its launch in 2021, Green Tape has rapidly grown into a trusted procurement platform, delivering efficiency and value to businesses of all sizes.

Trusted by industry leaders

Over 50 Tier 1 buyer companies, including the largest private bank, top construction firms, leading conglomerates, major logistics providers, agriculture groups, luxury hotel chains, and top manufacturers in Sri Lanka.

Proven success

7,000+ tenders successfully concluded, with a total tender value exceeding USD 100M.

Extensive supplier network

A growing base of 4,500+ registered suppliers, ensuring competitive bids and reliable sourcing.

Recognised excellence

Shortlisted for the 2024 "Asia Pacific Solution Provider" award, reinforcing our industry leadership.

Green Tape Enterprise - Where it all began
Design, development and testing of Green Tape
Green Tape OpenSale
Green Tape Bid Down – Innovating Procurement Negotiations
Green Tape Docs – Simplifying Contract Management
Green Tape Procurement Managed Services – Outsourcing Made Simple
Green Tape Group Buy
Supply Chain Financing System
A Thriving Ecosystem


The Impact of Greentaping

Enables Corporates to become more
sustainable by overcoming some key challenges

Limited competition

1 Limited set of suppliers; and annual registration cycle

2 Often limited to three quotes

3 Suppliers' who are not big enough to extend credit get left out

Procurement delays

1 Group companies may end up buying the same product from different suppliers at different prices

2 Some suppliers pricing validity is extremely short

3 Manual process is very time consuming

Lack of transparency

1 Lack of visibility on who procures what and for what reason

2 Company won't know which suppliers were not invited

Disengaged from local communities

1 Unable to provide supplier opportunities locally

2 Not easy to dispose used items at the right price

By Greentaping, corporates can overcome these challenges and also make their businesses easily approachable to suppliers. By doing so they will not only save time and money but will also convert their suppliers into a strategic asset that is proactively managed without leaving it to chance. They will also give an equal opportunity for suppliers big and small to find them, do business with them, and grow their businesses and relationships with them more easily.


How we help companies meet their ESG requirements

Green Tape empowers businesses to achieve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals through innovative procurement solutions.

Environmental Impact

E – Environmental Impact

  • Reduces transportation-related impacts through efficient logistics
  • Advanced data analytics optimise inventory and demand-based production, minimising waste
  • Fully paperless process
Social Responsibility

S – Social Responsibility

  • Selects suppliers based on sustainability (ESG standards, social responsibility, labour, and inclusion)
  • Supports local economic development by sourcing locally and supporting SMEs

G – Governance

  • Transparent audit trail for full procurement visibility and comprehensive audits
  • Real-time budgeting and reporting for cost reduction
  • Improved compliance and reduced off-contract buying

Mapped to the relevant

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

  • Once Green Tape is rolled out to several geographies in the world, it will open up new markets to its suppliers and also enable its buyers to develop global value chains with ease. The rapid rise in world trade and the unprecedented development of communications helps Green Tape achieve this mission. It also plays a part in enabling the rapid catch-up growth in developing economies, while facilitating global value chains.
  • AVM anticipates that the widespread adoption of Green Tape would go a long way towards introducing transparency and auditability into procurement practice and thus address corruption which is holding several countries and societies back.
  • AVM will support finance for sustainable development and financial inclusion by providing a factoring/financing solution for small and medium suppliers including suppliers from rural areas so that their lack of access to working capital would not eliminate them from supplying to large buyers.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  • Green Tape will soon be having a very large number of registered suppliers. We will be using this vantage position to create awareness, provide training, and motivate these suppliers to promote: decent work, employment creation, social protection, rights at work and social dialogue.
  • We will also provide training and support to help enterprising youth to set up or scale up a business as a supplier.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

  • Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG emissions) are reduced in the following ways:
    • AVM per se has moved to working-from-home. Thus, reducing employee commute. International business travel is restricted and on-line meetings are encouraged in lieu.
    • Green Tape will be providing training to suppliers on measuring and managing their GHG footprint.
    • The Platform reduces or eliminates travel, paper usage, and printing.